Transportation infrastructure already built
  • Transportation infrastructure already built

    Transportation infrastructure already built

    Transport construction is currently the most urgent problem facing the development of Cambodia. Coastal City self-development pointed out that the transportation facilities are listed as the primary construction target. After more than ten years of hard work, it has now developed a three-dimensional transportation network by sea, land and air.

    Adjacent to the airport, handshake with world

    The 4F Coastal City International Airport, the highest level of the supporting flight area in the region, has achieved 4E navigation in advance and will be officially put into operation in 2022. Departing from Coastal City International Airport, you can reach major cities in Southeast Asian countries and some coastal cities in China within two hours, and fly directly to Beijing and most Asian countries in about five hours. This will improve Cambodia's ability to fly directly to the rest of the world and promote the region and the development of Cambodia's economy. Trade and tourism have become the driving force driving the development of Cambodia's coastal economy.

    Supporting ports set sail to navigation

    The sea area where the project is located has been planned for two deep-water comprehensive ports and a 20,000-ton cruise port with a main body completed, supporting port resources to promote the prosperity and development of the Maritime Silk Road. In the future, the deep-water comprehensive port will become Cambodia's largest comprehensive port after its completion, which will boost the development of Cambodia's marine economy. In addition, the project plans to build 28.97 square kilometers of airport and port logistics and bonded trade zone, and the airport and seaport will be linked to create a regional transportation hub, leading the development of new cities in Cambodia with intelligence and technology, and boosting the development of the future regional marine economy.

    Multidimensional road network development context

    For more than ten years, the project has been building nearly 300km of roads of different grades.

    68KM Say Phuthang Road

    For more than ten years, about 300 kilometers of roads of various grades have been constructed. In March 2018, the " Say Phuthang Road" was named after the Cambodian General Say Phuthang, with a length of 68 KM, serves as a two-way and four-lane connection between No. 48 and No. 4 Highways, which is a high-grade road that realizes internal and external connections in the region.

    Sihanoukville Expressway, the time from Phnom Penh to Coastal City will be shortened to less, becoming a new driving force for the development of the city.

    Future transportation plan

    Construct a modern three-dimensional tourism transportation network integrating sea, land and air, construct a convenient "two-hour tourism transportation network", and form a tourism transportation pattern with organic coordination of various transportation methods, reasonable transportation facilities structure, and scientific tourism transportation route design. Solving the problem of lagging traffic which restricts the tourism industry and promotes the sustainable development of tourism in Coastal City.

    In the future, Coastal City Development Group will focus on sustainable mobility, and put more emphasis on serving people's travel needs and multi-party collaborative participation. It will shift from focusing on traffic capacity to improving the accessibility, fairness and sustainability of travel, and pay more attention to the integration of multiple travel modes and the improvement of the travel environment. Integrate green development into all aspects and processes of transportation development, and make every effort to build an energy-saving, environmentally friendly, and ecologically intensive green transportation system.

    Build a transportation system based on electric vehicles, create transfer guidance, complete facilities, and build a project green transportation system with clear structure, coherent systems, distinct primary and secondary features, outstanding features, advanced facilities, and convenient connections between slow traffic and public transportation, promoting green transportation.

    In the future, travel services will place more emphasis on multi-mode, networked, and collaborative organizations, providing integrated travel services that meet individual needs and focus on service experience throughout the entire process. The goal will be to meet the individual needs of different travelers. The service plan for actual needs provides differentiated and diversified full-process services, integrates and optimizes the travel chain, and meets the needs of citizens for travel with high-quality, and efficient service methods. Use green and low-carbon as a label for sustainable urban development, benchmarking the world, facing the future, and creating a city of the world and a city of the future.

    Hydropower network infrastructure already built

    Reservoir project

    Two reservoirs totaling 25 million cubic meters have been built. It is planned to increase the capacity of the existing reservoir area a second time and expand it to a water storage capacity of 50 million cubic meters to meet urban water demand.

    Power construction

    Two power stations have been built and delivered to meet the power supply of the covered area. The 350,000 kV national grid connection work introduced by Highway 48 has been completed and put into use. About 140 kilometers of high-voltage lines have been erected. The supporting 350,000 kV substations and various switching stations have been completed and installed. The National Grid of Cambodia (EDC) officially started supplying power to the project area in May 2017, and two power stations can be used as backup power sources. The power grid in the area has been set up for about 30 kilometers, covering about 6000 hectares of developed area.

    Water supply engineering

    According to the current construction needs, two water purification plants have been built. The two water purification plants and the water supply pipe network have a daily water treatment capacity of about 2500 tons, which have been delivered to use. The coverage includes hotels, golf courses, integrated office areas, villas, ports and other surrounding facilities and projects. It will be expanded to 7,500 tons/day by the end of 2020.

    Communications Engineering

    According to actual construction needs, more than 60 kilometers of optical fiber communication network has been introduced, as well as two-way microwave radiation with Sihanoukville communication base stations, forming a dual-loop communication network. The introduction of Xinwei Networks Co., Ltd. ensures the smooth flow of the network at all time. A 60-meter high communication tower was erected, and METFONE Telecom, SMART Telecom, Southeast Asia Telecom, etc. were introduced to ensure smooth communication in the area.

    Future hydropower and network construction planning

    In the future, the concept of sponge city will be introduced. By strengthening urban planning and management, the ecosystems such as buildings, roads, green spaces, and water systems can take full advantage of the absorption, storage, and slow release of rainwater, effectively control rainwater runoff, and realize natural accumulation, natural infiltration in a naturally purified urban development method.

    The Coastal City power grid plan will also fully introduce China's most advanced concepts, standards, and safety and environmental protection technologies to realize the supply reliability, intelligence, and electrification of the power grid, and achieve Cambodia's leading position.

    Coastal City will also introduce the most advanced communication network facilities. New network technologies represented by 5G will provide full and in-depth coverage to provide technical support for the possible applications and scenarios of 5G in the future. The planning and construction of the physical space of the entire region will be combined with the needs of network construction and network layout. The network infrastructure will be integrated with urban construction and urban style. In addition, it will plan to build a global intelligent perception system. Coordinate the introduction of the most advanced sensors and intelligent sensing technology into the global intelligent perception system to perceive the operation of the city and the changes in the city.

    With the drive of emerging information technology, Coastal City will enter a highly intelligent, service-oriented new smart city. The development concept and model of smart transportation will also produce more profound changes, and will place more emphasis on using future technology to promote urban governance services to achieve high-efficiency, inclusive and sustainable urban development.